If you’re involves in an investigation you are allowed and strongly encouraged to receive support from available support services such as a Support Agency, BC Federation of Foster Parents Association, Indigenous Perspectives Society, or other local services.
During an investigation our Foster Parent Support Worker can:
discuss your situation with you by phone or in person
answer your questions
attend meetings with you and take notes
give you information about the protocol process
Community Bridge
10142 – 101 Ave, Fort St. John, BC
Contact Coordinator Tim Plant:
Cell: Email: |
250-793-2267 foster@communitybridge.ca |
This is a confidential services available to Foster Parents in Northeast BC.
There are 3 types of investigations
Policy 8:19: Quality of Care Review
When there is a significant concern about the quality of a child’s care in a family care home, which is not due to abuse, neglect or emotional harm (requiring an investigation), the concern is reviewed by a delegated worker in a timely way.
Policy 8.20: Family Care Home Investigations
An allegation regarding abuse, neglect, or emotional harm of a child in care living in a family care home.
Policy 8.21:Dispute Resolution for Caregivers
Caregivers have access to a dispute resolution process that adheres to the principles of administrative fairness